Wednesday 9 July 2008

Cyberdunk League Renaming

Talkdep is the place to go to get your national leagues renamed the way you want them. A Talkdep member elects himself spokesperson for his country. He then starts a thread stating different possible names for his country's leagues. He compiles a lists of types of names for leagues and then makes another thread asking members to vote for their favourite list group.

I started one for the UK leagues. I had 4 lists. These consisted of the names of football leagues, plus random object names, and names of stars and planets. The planets seem to be winning, although during the poll another list was suggested and seemed quite popular. It was a list of royalty type names. King, Queen, Prince, Duke etc. What I think I will do is take the top list or 2 lists and put them with the royalty list to make another poll. I would have prefered for the new league names to be implemented for next season. But because the new season is nearly here, I may have to cut short the polls and present the list I feel everyone likes, to the staff of Cyberdunk.

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